© Tayfun Terzi© Tayfun Terzi© Tayfun Terzi© Tayfun TerziWorkExperiencesince Apr 2019Google DeepMindStaff Research Engineer Jun 2017 - Apr 2019CitymapperSoftware Engineer Oct 2015 - Oct 2016London School of Economics, Students’ Union (LSESU)Elected Graduate Research/PhD Students’ Officer Aug 2013 - Jul 2014London School of Economics (LSE), Department of StatisticsGraduate Teaching Assistant Sep 2012 - Aug 2013Goethe-University Frankfurt, Methodology DepartmentGraduate Teaching Assistant & Research Assistant Jul 2012Psychotherapy Practice Ullrich, FrankfurtWebsite Designer for psychotherapie-ullrich.de since May 2010Project PsyCONNECTProject Founder & Coordinator, Organisational Development May 2009 - Jun 2010Goethe-University, Differential Psychology & DiagnosticsResearch Assistant, IT Consultant, & SSLC Representative Apr 2009 - Sep 2010Goethe-University, Federal Research Project in Primary EducationNationwide Group- and Individual Testing of Primary School PupilsResearch Assistant, IT Administrator InternshipsFeb 2012 - Aug 2012Aston Business School BirminghamResearch Assistant for the Work- & Organisational Psychology Group Jul 2011 - Oct 2011PAConsulting Group (German HQ Frankfurt)Consultant in Business Transformation for the Analytics Team in Paris Aug 2010 - Oct 2010Working Group Diagnostics and Evaluation FrankfurtDesign and Co-moderation of Job Assessment Workshops EducationAcademiaOct 2013 - Jun 2017London School of Economics and Political SciencePhD in Statistics Aug 2011 - Aug 2013Goethe-University FrankfurtMSc in Psychology (distinction)Specialised in Statistics and Social Research Methodology Feb 2012 - Aug 2012Aston Business School BirminghamWork- and Organisational Psychology, Studies Abroad Aug 2008 - Jun 2011Goethe-University FrankfurtBSc in Psychology (first-class honours) SkillsDidacticsExcellent in presentation techniques and workshop design/moderationExperience in advanced statistics course teaching StatisticsExpertise in (multivariate) analysis tools,i.e., structural equation modelling with latent variables andcross-sectional data categorisation/prediction in Big Data frameworksProfessional programming skills in Python, C++, and RWorking knowledge in SPSS, Stata, MPlus, LISREL, MAPLE, and SAS EDV SkillsMicrosoft Office, Windows XP/7/8/10, Mac OS, Ubuntu/LinuxAdobe Dreamweaver, Photoshop, Premiere, Illustrator, and LaTex CommunicationExperienced in the acquisition of project funding,start-up coordination, and team workExperienced cross-hierarchical negotiator, panelist, and speaker LanguagesGerman (Mother Tongue)English: Excellent reading, writing, and verbal skillsFrench: Good reading, basic writing, and basic verbal skillsTurkish: Good reading, basic writing, and good verbal skills ResearchPhD in StatisticsNew challenges concerning bias from measurement error have arisen due to the increasinguse of paid participants: semi-plausible response patterns (SpRPs). SpRPs result whenparticipants only superficially process the information of (online) experiments/questionnaires and attempt only to respond in a plausible way. This is due to the factthat participants who are paid are generally motivated by fast cash, and try toefficiently overcome objective plausibility checks and process other items onlysuperficially, if at all. Thus, those participants produce not only useless butdetrimental data, because they attempt to conceal their malpractice. The potentialconsequences are biased estimation and misleading statistical inference. The statistical nature of specific invalid response strategies and applications arediscussed, effectually deriving a meta-theory of response strategy, process, andplausibility. A new test measure to detect SpRPs was developed to accommodate data ofsurvey type, without the need of a priori implemented mechanisms. Under a latent classlatent variable framework, the effectiveness of the test measure was empirically andtheoretically evaluated. The empirical evaluation is based on an experimental andonline questionnaire study. These studies operate under a very well establishedpsychological framework on five stable personality traits. The measure wastheoretically evaluated through simulations. It was concluded that the measure issuccessfully discriminating between valid responders and invalid responders undercertain conditions. Indicators for optimal settings of large discriminatory power wereidentified and limitations discussed. (available via: LSE Thesis Online, doi: 10.21953/lse.ujium54l0s14, local: pdf)MSc DissertationMediation analysis has been crucial for explaining physiologic as well as psychologicalprocesses. However, standard regression model (SRM) is affected by the post-treatmentselection bias (PtSB) caused by the violation of the no confounding assumption. Withthe potential values framework (PVF), it is easily proven that even with a randomisedtreatment X, the relationship of a mediator variable to the outcome is merelycorrelational in its nature and thus not causally interpretable. The aim is tointroduce and evaluate a new approach: the constant direct effects model (CDEM). I seekto demonstrate the severity of the PtSB, by implementing a simulation study. In thecase of SRM, the results suggest that if the no confounding variables assumption isviolated, estimates are intolerably biased. I found severe type I error rates up to100% in population models with moderate unmeasured confounding. Simulation dataanalysed with CDEM show satisfactory accuracy regarding the estimate of interest.EngagementStudent Representative2015 - 2016Elected London School of Economics and Political ScienceStudents' Union (LSESU) Postgraduate Research/PhD Students' Officer since 2013Associate Member of the German Psychological Society (DGPs) 2013 - 2016Student Representative for the Staff-Student Liaison Committee (LSE, PhD, Statistics) 01 Dec 2011Reviewer und Jury Member for the Distribution of €250,000 eLearning Funds 2011 - 2013Mentor to Graduate Students in need for special Study Arrangements 28 Sept 2011Valedictorian as Representative to all Psychology Students at the Goethe-University (Bachelor, Diploma, & PhD Graduates) Sept 2010Speaker and Representative for German Students at the DGPs Conference in Bremen 2008 - 2013Students' Council, Goethe-University Frankfurt Elected Student Representative and Member entitled to vote for the Students' Council, the Faculty Council, the BSc/MSc commission, the Financial Distribution Board, the BSc Examination BoardPsyCONNECTsince May 2010Founder of the eLearning Project PsyCONNECT Online Platformhttp://www.psyconnect-frankfurt.deAwardsScholarships2013 - 2016Economic & Social Research Council (ESRC) Advanced Quantitative Methods (AQM) Award with full Stipend Scholarship 2011 - 2013Germany-Scholarship AwardPricesOct 2012Nominated for the United Nations Habitat Future Communication Price since 2010Receiver of further funding of approximately €19,000 from the Directorate of Psychology, the Department of Social Psychology, the interdisciplinary Group for University Didactic, and the Students' Union 2013Winner of the Goethe-University Student-eLearning Fund (SeLF) Price with €4,500 grant 2011Winner of the SeLF Price with €8,730 grant 2010Winner of the SeLF Price with €10,000 grantContactTayfun Terzi, PhDLinkedIn https://www.linkedin.com/in/tayfunterzi Google Scholar https://scholar.google.com/citations... Github https://github.com/tayfunterzi Facebook https://www.facebook.com/tayfunterzi Twitter https://twitter.com/tayfunterziSignatureStaff Research Engineer - Google DeepMindPhD in Statistics - London School of Economics ESRC Advanced Quantitative Methods Award Holder Personal email: public@TayfunTerzi.dePersonal website: https://TayfunTerzi.de WorkEducationResearchEngagementAwardsContactDeepMindGooglePsyCONNECTPython, C++, Protobuf, HTML/CSS/Javascript, LaTeX, Mplus, SPSS, StataCitymapperPA ConsultingSoftware EngineerStaffResearch EngineerData EngineerPsychologist, MScGoethe University F.PhD in Statistics (LSE)London School of EconomicsSemi-plausible Response PatternsMediation AnalysisCausal InferenceAssociate DGPs MemberStudent CouncilValedictorianCommunity ServiceLSESU PhD OfficerUN HabitatESRC AQM DTC AwardThe Germany Scholarshippublic@TayfunTerzi.deMunich, Frankfurt, LondonDr Tayfun TerziDr Tayfun TerziDr Tayfun TerziDr Tayfun Terzi